Friday, May 15, 2020

Jeffrey Wechsler

Title: PSST- S said to T

Like in the old days, Jeffrey is back for his every other Friday publication. Another simple but consistent theme; words which end SS are reparsed with the ending ST. Themers 1 and 4 have the first-word change 2 and 3 the last word. As usual, the puzzle is filled with much sparkly fill  AIRLINE, ALL HERE, APPLIES, ATTIRED, DIES OUT, ENCHANT, I CAN SAY, MAHALIA, MR. RIGHT, PASSION, PONTOON, SAD TIME, STRAFED,  THE RACK, and TREAT AS.

16A. Furniture maker's designated stock of wood?: CHEST PIECES (11).

31A. Accommodate Simba at one's hotel?: TAKE A WILD GUEST (14).

36A. Foggy playground vista?: A SWING AND A MIST (14).

57A. Shipment of nautical parts?: MAST TRANSIT (11).


1. 911 pro: EMT.

4. Like a certain elevated plane: ASTRAL.

10. Tack on: ADD.

13. "Ain't interested": NAH.

14. Present and accounted for: ALL HERE.

15. Word with honey or mud: PIE.

18. Bench press target: PEC.

19. Silent star of early talkies: HARPO.

20. Like the Grinch: MEAN.

21. "Sing it, Sam" speaker: ILSA.

22. Frightens: ALARMS.

24. Cherished activity: PASSION.

26. "Well-played!": NICE.

27. Notable period: ERA.

30. Indigenous Alaskan: ALEUT.

35. What may float your boat: PONTOON.

43. Be compatible: FIT IN.

44. __ Speedwagon: REO.

45. Rent-__: ACAR.

46. A real keeper, romantically: MR RIGHT.

49. Rant: TIRADE.

51. Bard's "Bummer!": ALAS.

52. Lack of impediments: EASE.

55. 1492 vessel: PINTA.

56. Brand "choosy moms choose," in ads: JIF.

59. Gender-neutral pronoun: ONE.

60. Not naked: ATTIRED.

61. Professional org. since 1847: AMA.

62. Old Glory hue: RED.

63. First word of Dorothy's last line in Oz: THERE'S. No place like home. But is it really two words?

64. "I'm interested": YES.


1. Fascinate: ENCHANT.

2. 1966 self-titled gospel album: MAHALIA.

3. Emotionally stressed, after "on": THE RACK.

4. Swiss peak: ALP.

5. Poor, as odds: SLIM.

6. What you might be in the Bible?: THEE.

7. Summary: RECAP.

8. Place for games: ARENA.

9. "__ Misérables": LES.

10. Submits one's résumé: APPLIES.

11. Wanes: DIES OUT.

12. Pour into a carafe: DECANT.

14. Quark place: ATOM.

17. Binge: SPREE.

21. Alcatraz, for one: ISLE.

23. Affix, as a shoulder patch: SEW ON.

25. Spa amenity: SAUNA.

28. One may be given at a 29-Down: RING.

29. See 28-Down: ALTAR.

32. Acting like: APING.

33. "Ta-da!": DONE.

34. Title character who is never onstage: GODOT.

36. Delta, for one: AIRLINE.

37. Fired on from above: STRAFED.

38. Units for gamers: WIIS.

39. County including the Muir Woods sequoias: MARIN.

40. "They've authorized me to report ... ": I CAN SAY.

41. Period of mourning, e.g.: SAD TIME.

42. Regard to be: TREAT AS.

43. Key of two Beethoven symphonies: F-MAJOR.

47. Baskerville Hall landscape: HEATH.

48. "Things sweet to __ prove in digestion sour": "Richard II": TASTE.

50. Air 2 or Pro: iPAD.

53. Move a bit: STIR.

54. To be, in Bordeaux: ETRE.

57. Calisthenics aid: MAT.

58. High-__ image: RES.

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